Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Name the day of the next strike!!!

PCS Left Unity is organising a 'organising conference' early in 2012 to put pressure on the TUC to stop the pensions sell-out!

PCS Left Unity National Committee



Organising Conference Saturday: Friends Meeting House

(opp. Euston Station) 7th January 2012 11am – 4pm

Chair: Janice Godrich PCS President

Speaker: Mark Serwotka PCS General Secretary

(other speakers to be announced)

November 30th was the biggest show of strength from Britain’s trade unions in living memory. It shook the coalition government and provided a firm foundation for the escalation of industrial action to defeat the unjustified attack on pensions and to challenge the coalition’s pay freeze, cuts and privatisation programme.
At the TUC’s Public Sector Liaison Group Mark Serwotka on behalf of PCS argued the TUC should set the date for a further day of nationally coordinated strike action to bring the government into serious negotiations. Although there was some support for this position the TUC general secretary Brendan Barber argued that all the unions should sign up to a so-called “Heads of Agreement”, this means the core issues, on which we took action, working longer, paying more and getting less, are surrendered, just  as the government have wanted. Dave Prentis, the general secretary of Unison, argued for acceptance of this “deal”.
It is almost beyond belief that when the confidence of the movement is at its highest point in decades as a result of November 30th and with an additional 100,000 recruits due to the action such an abject surrender is being considered. Now is the time to set the date, as early as possible in 2012, preferably January, for a further day of nationally coordinated industrial action which can be escalated by bringing even more unions on board including workers, like those in Unilever, fighting to defend private sector pensions.  

The PCS Left Unity National Committee invites all activists from all unions to an organising conference on the 7th of January to debate how we can build the campaign to defend our pensions and fight the cuts and prevent any unacceptable “deal” that makes us work longer, pay more and get less.

This will be an organising conference, not just a debating forum. It is intended to arm activists with the issues so they can go back to their workplaces and into their unions in order to build a campaign that will secure justice on pensions.

To cover costs there will be a registration fee of £5 for waged delegates.


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Nov 30 - March and Rally in Rotherham!

Rotherham is to hold a March and Rally on November 30th to support the stikes in the public sector.

In a meeting organised by Rotherham Unison branches, with representatives from many unions, community groups and campaigning groups, the following action was agreed in order to promote and to support the strikes:

10am: After pickets, gather outside town hall.
10:30am: Start the March around Rotherham (details + map below - red line marks the route of the march).
11am: arrive for a rally in All Saints Square
11:15am onwards: Board coaches and head to Sheffield to join the regional demonstrations.

Also there will be 'Action Days' held on Saturday12th and 19th November, leafletting and promoting the strike and the march. Stalls will be organised in All Saints Square and outside the Market/Halifax Bank/Boots.

MARCH DETAILS: - March begins outside Rotherham Town Hall
- March behind Job Centre along Stanley street
- Turn left, down the hill, along Mansfield Road
- Turn left and march along Wellgate
- Turn right, up the hill, along Doncaster Gate
- Turn left along Howard Street/Eastwood Lane past RCAT
- Turn left, down the hill, along Wharnecliffe Street/ Drummond Street past the Markets and Rotherham Central Library
- Turn Left, march along Henry Street/ Effingham Street towards All Saints Square
- Rally in All Saints Square 

Monday, 5 September 2011

Activity report: 05/09/2011

This week Rotherham Socialist party held 2 stalls in the town centre... we keep having to jostle for position on Howard Street (pedestrian street linking the bus station with the market square); at one end there are small stalls and Big Issue sellers who we don't want to annoy and at the other we've got a new shop opening doin' opeing day promotion type stunts complete with Borat lookalike!

Either way - 27 (a sell out situation) on Tuesday and 46 on Friday (totaling 73) copies of The Socialist were shifted! Not bad that!

Also, we made a few new contacts and we were glad to see one of them turn up to Sundays meeting. The Meeting itself was entitled 'Socialism FAQ' and was supposed to be a general discussion outlining Socialism for people who had not been to our branch meeting before. 10 people turned up and although only 2 new faces were there, the discussion was really healthy. It is probably true that these types of general discussions help the branch to develop our analysis and arguments for Socialism!

Next Sunday most of the branch will probably be down in London for the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of the TUC conference to urge the TUC to call a date for a general strike.

Plans for the Rotherham leg of the Jarrow March are comeing on nicely with projected route going through Thorpe Hesley before heading into Sheff... although we have no definite plans as yet, we do intend to get some sort of 'Welcoming Rally' at the rec in Thorpe Hesley and join the march for a wee while, hopefully attracting some help from local pubs etc...

This week we will be doing stalls on Wednesday and Friday from 11am to 1pm... we also hope to get up to the colleges for a bit of leafleting!

See you on the streets!


Monday, 1 August 2011

July Round Up!

A round up of the branch's activities and a few dates for your diaries!

BRANCH PROGRAMME - meeting every Sunday, 7:30pm at the Trades Club:
7th August: Business meeting and Stalls 'workshop'
14th: Discussion on the Miners' Strike
21st: Business meeting and 'recruitment workshop'
28th: TBC
Sunday 4th September: SOCIALISM FAQ + Bring a Friend!

Other Meetings:

Tuesday 2nd August: RAC Constitution meeting , 7:30pm Bridge Inn, Rotherham
Tuesday 9th August: RAC general meeting, 7:30pm Bridge Inn, Rotherham

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Message of Solidarity to NUJ Doncaster.

A copy of our message of solidarity to the striking journalists in South Yorkshire.


Just a quick message from our branch in Rotherham.

We fully support your indefinite strike, and are encouraged by your determination and solidarity! That you also have declared 'no confidence' in your editor-in chief with one voice, only serves to heighten our admiration for your struggle. We, in Rotherham, are sure that your example of standing up to the powers that be and of supporting 'local campaigning journalism' will help to deepen the scrutiny, now emerging in the mainstream, of corporate control and ownership of the media, to challenge it and ultimately to overthrow it!

We anticipate your success in this struggle with sentiments of respect and solidarity!

Chris Bingham on behalf of the Rotherham branch of the Socialist party"

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Rotherham Branch Blog

Rotherham Branch of the Socialist Party's blog...

More to follow!!!
